Johnson Public Library
Johnson, VT
Raffle tickets!
Remember the many ways to earn tickets:
-make a prayer flag -write a book review (for 5 tickets!)
-SUMMER BINGO -decorate a card ("flowers for friends")
-Reaching your reading goal -and all the challenges on this page!
-share a photo of one of these
Drop off items or email me at by Wednesday , 8/12 to enter your raffle tickets into the drawing.

New challenge:
Make a Debris Shelter!
Go outside and find materials in nature to make a shelter. Look on the ground: find fallen logs, branches and twigs. Can rocks make your foundation or a path to the entrance? Use only what you find in nature. Do not cut or tear any branches from a living tree. The only living items that you can pick and use are things that grow quickly-like ferns and leaves.
Send a photo of your shelter to for a raffle ticket!

On-going challenges:
Make a comic strip about summer!
Send a photo of your comic strip to for a raffle ticket!
Summer BINGO
Complete 5 activities in a row, vertically, horizontally or diagonally and color them in. You can turn it into the library for a raffle ticket, or fill the whole board for 5 raffle tickets!
*Take a photo of these activities and send it to for yet another raffle ticket!
for Summer BINGO
Build a dwelling for a tiny fairy and earn a raffle ticket. Use objects from the outdoors to construct a neat retreat for a fairy.
When you are done, send a picture to

Draw what summer means to you!

Write a story about the fairy who lives in your house for 3 more tickets!
Send us a photo of your grass head for a raffle ticket.

Can you find these fairy houses around the library? How many others can you find?
Visit the back wall of the library to view and do some chalk art!

How many bears are in this window? Email your guess to The closest guesser wins a prize! Check out the other basement windows for a chance to win another prize!